

Yesterday morning I woke up with a very stressed out body. I had three big deadlines for finals, and I wasn't sure that I'd be able to get it all done. I grumbled to myself as I opened my computer (after enjoying a morning bowl of Cheerios, which to my astonishment I enjoyed without sugar) and something was different... All of my applications were minimized, I didn't remember doing that... And then I noticed my desktop picture changed! I definitely didn't remember changing that...

John, aka my little sweetster, decided to surprise me by changing my desktop background to a slideshow of pictures from our honeymoon. It lifted my mood and brought me back to a time in our lives that was full of love, fun, and new experiences.

I decided that I love being married. Every day is an adventure. Especially because I caught myself such an amazing husband.

More pictures from our romantic getaway to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico:

We loved watching the sun set on the beach.

We went parasailing!

We took long walks on the beach.

We found fish with permanent evil looking faces.

And we went snorkeling! Haha. Oh my snorkel pictures...

Don't I look ridiculous in that gear? It makes me laugh every time.

Moral of the Story: I love John.


Mom said...

Love ya, Sara! Good luck with finals! See you soon!
Love & hugs from

Baylen + Mariana said...

You're an adorable snorkeler haha! Sorry finals are making you stress, but after it will be over & you can breathe again. And i wish i would be seeing you soon like your mom/sisters!

Jeannette said...

Awww cute! <3 makes excited for marriage :)

Cailey said...

Being married is soo wonderful! Husbands are truely amazing what they will get you through. Even though you go through lots of downs, they are always there to help you right back up. I am so grateful for my husband. he is so amazing. :o) fun pictures!