
Baby Ava at the Studio

Last week, I photographed an adorable baby at the studio. It was a little bit different than natural light settings, but it was a lot of fun! I'm pretty happy with the way the photos turned out, but I think I was so focused on the lighting/baby facial expressions, that I didn't use my creativity as much as I usually do.

I'll keep that in mind for the next one.

Here are some of the photos that I took of baby Ava:

So... Did I do well for my first studio sitting??


Katherine Bettilyon said...

I think you did great! You are really good!

Merry said...

You did wonderful! I really like the crying picture, and the one where she's laughing in the chair.

Cailey said...

How fun!!! haha I like that she waived! thats cute, and love the last pict with mommy.